Lineman TD

Lineman TD

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last night we played some meatheads in softball. When I say meathead I mean the people you look at and instantly think that guy has been taking steroids since birth. I am not the smallest guy by any stretch of the imagination and neither are many of the people on my softball team, but I am seriously glad I do not look like one of these guys. Walking around bowed up all the time can not be comfortable.

Guys like this take everything entirely too serious. I like to win more than most, but it is just softball not the world series. One of the meatheads on the team we were playing hit a homerun that was a legit homerun. It cleared the fence by at least 50 feet. Someone on our team jokingly said that bat can't be legal. The guy literally almost lost it over that comment. He was ruined for the rest of the game because the only thing running through his mind was kill because he is so jacked up. It was obviously a joke because if you look at the guy you can tell there is no way he does not have the strength to hit a bomb. With the way the guy reacted to the comment I feel sorry for people in his life i.e. girlfriend or wife.

There's several teams in our league that have a few guys like this and they are always the people I enjoy beating more than anyone else. I am quite sure that everyone else on my team agrees with me too. Our softball team is good because our entire team is made up of good athletes, not meatheads. Most meatheads arent good they are just big awkward looking, affliction wearing fat necks. Even if they were good I would rather go to a dance recital than play on the same team as one.

P.S. we beat the meatheads like we typically do.


Monday, May 17, 2010

The South

Being from the South is a lifestyle and most people you meet will gladly sit down on their porch and tell you what they think about Mississippi or the South in general. Being from the South is all about God, friends, food, hunting, and sports. You can learn everything you need to know throughout life at a high school football practice or in a weekend at deer camp. People can say what they want about the South and our backwards ways, but we live life the right way. I do not agree with everyone from down here and there are many things I would change, but the feeling of a no holds bar good time is not one of them.

The South is about so many things, but the most important is the people. Quite frequently I come across people talking about southern gentlemen and what they think a southern gentleman is. A southern gentleman is friendly, not nice but friendly. There is a major difference between the two. He will always firmly shake your hand. He will compliment the women around him because it is the polite thing to do and most of the time it is well deserved. He knows everything there is about football and will be happy to tell you about it. He will drink scotch or whiskey or beer or all. He will hold the door for a lady. A southern gentleman will maintain his grace in the most trying times. He is just as comfortable at a 5 star restaurant as he is running a trot line on the Mississippi River. He will always respect his elders by being kind to them and using yes ma’am and yes sir. A southern gentleman is normally going to be a nice guy, but he is not a pushover.

When you hear people say someone is “so southern” it is usually meant as a compliment. I don’t think that is necessarily true when you say someone is “so northern.” Atleast not when someone from the South says it about someone. That is not to say there are not nice northerners, but people above the Mason-Dixon Line don’t take the time to enjoy life like southerners do. They seem to move at a faster pace, with their eyes on a goal and not on how they are living that day.

“To identify a person as Southern suggests not only that his/her history is inescapably formative but also impossibly present.” The above quote perfectly describes people from the south. We grow up southern and learn from our parents who grew up southern. Being southern is in our hearts and souls. This is never more prevalent than at a college football game. Some of the happiest and saddest times I have had in my life were sitting in the bleachers of a college football game. Simply put, there is something spiritual about tailgating, the game, and the after party. The after party is critical. I hear people all the time say “We may not have won the game, but we won the party.” When it all boils down to it that is all a fan can control. Some may say that’s what teams that regularly lose say. Maybe so, but who gives a damn. We had a great time with even better people.
