Lineman TD

Lineman TD

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last night we played some meatheads in softball. When I say meathead I mean the people you look at and instantly think that guy has been taking steroids since birth. I am not the smallest guy by any stretch of the imagination and neither are many of the people on my softball team, but I am seriously glad I do not look like one of these guys. Walking around bowed up all the time can not be comfortable.

Guys like this take everything entirely too serious. I like to win more than most, but it is just softball not the world series. One of the meatheads on the team we were playing hit a homerun that was a legit homerun. It cleared the fence by at least 50 feet. Someone on our team jokingly said that bat can't be legal. The guy literally almost lost it over that comment. He was ruined for the rest of the game because the only thing running through his mind was kill because he is so jacked up. It was obviously a joke because if you look at the guy you can tell there is no way he does not have the strength to hit a bomb. With the way the guy reacted to the comment I feel sorry for people in his life i.e. girlfriend or wife.

There's several teams in our league that have a few guys like this and they are always the people I enjoy beating more than anyone else. I am quite sure that everyone else on my team agrees with me too. Our softball team is good because our entire team is made up of good athletes, not meatheads. Most meatheads arent good they are just big awkward looking, affliction wearing fat necks. Even if they were good I would rather go to a dance recital than play on the same team as one.

P.S. we beat the meatheads like we typically do.


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